


欢迎您使用智睿卓才企业咨询(上海)有限公司及其关联公司(以下统称“DDI CN”或“我们”)开发及运营的DDI人才管理智慧服务平台!

请您仔细阅读本使用条款,并特别注意其中粗体字的条款内容。本使用条款适用于由DDI运营和管理的产品服务网站(网站地址:【https://www.ddiworld.cn/】、英跃 ( 域名customer.transtalent.cn和m.transtalent.cn),Talent Dynamics(域名digital.ddiworld.cn和talentportal.ddiworld.cn) ,酷领导(域名lcloud.ddiworld.cn)以及DDI人才管理智慧服务平台 (域名cloud.ddiworld.cn)等)(以下统称为“DDI CN平台”)。 您在访问、使用DDI CN平台或通过DDI CN平台使用我们的产品及服务时,应遵守本使用条款的规定。如果您不接受本使用条款,请立即停止访问或使用DDI CN平台。


1、为协助企业提升领导力诊断和发展的效率,DDI CN平台基于科学、专业的领导力测评与课程体系,提供线上领导力诊断与发展方案。

2、为了使得领导力诊断与发展更贴合商业现实的环境,DDI CN平台提供测学练考用一体化方案和配套智能工具,向您提供领导力诊断与发展的线上解决方案、对话式练习及辅导服务。

3、DDI与企业客户就订购及使用DDI CN平台产品及服务之间的权利义务由DDI与企业客户签署的业务合作合同或类似功能的协议进行约定。您可使用的DDI CN平台的具体产品及服务内容以您所在企业/单位(以下简称“雇主”)向DDI订购的内容为准。

4、您理解并知悉,您基于雇主的管理要求使用DDI CN平台产品或服务,DDI仅为DDI CN平台产品及服务的提供方,您对DDI CN平台产品及服务的使用行为仍受您雇主的监督管理。


1、您直接申请注册、或您通过雇主申请注册DDI CN平台账号时,应当提供或使用真实、准确的个人信息,不得以虚假、冒用的信息进行注册。如因您提供的信息不真实、不准确而造成的损失由您承担。





1、您充分理解并同意,除非DDI CN平台相关界面另有说明,或我们与您的雇主另有约定,您无权复制、传播、转让、出售、出租、出借、许可、转让、提供他人使用或以任何商业化方式使用DDI CN平台提供的领导力方案、或由DDI CN平台智能陪练产品生成的信息或内容。

2、您应遵守所有适用的法律法规,除遵守本使用条款外,您还应当遵守《DDI隐私政策》以及我们不定期在DDI CN平台相关界面公布的其他相关规则、政策。

3、您在使用DDI CN平台产品及服务时,不得从事危害国家安全和社会公共利益、扰乱经济秩序和社会秩序、侵犯他人合法权益等法律、行政法规禁止的活动:

(1) 反对宪法所规定的基本原则的;

(2) 危害国家安全,泄露国家秘密,颠覆国家政权,破坏国家统一的;

(3) 损害国家荣誉和利益的;

(4) 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结的;

(5) 宣扬恐怖主义、极端主义或者煽动实施恐怖活动、极端主义活动的;

(6) 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的;

(7) 散布谣言、虚假信息,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;

(8) 散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或教唆犯罪,或者交易、制造违禁品、管制物品的;

(9) 侮辱或诽谤他人,侵害他人名誉权、肖像权、隐私权、知识产权和其他合法权益的,或者仿冒、假借国家机构、社会团体或其他法人名义;


4、为遵守适用的法律法规,您在使用DDI CN平台及其智能陪练产品时,应注意不得进行以下行为:

(1) 在您输入/录入的内容中加入个人信息,或侵犯任何第三方的合法权益(包括但不限于知识产权、肖像权、名誉权、隐私权、商业秘密等合法权益)的内容;

(2) 对智能陪练产品及其依赖的程序、软件、信息、数据、算法、模型进行任何反汇编、反编译、翻译或以其他方式试图发现服务的模型、算法和系统的源代码或底层组件;

(3) 使用任何自动化或程序化方法从智能陪练产品中提取数据或输出,包括抓取、收集或提取数据;

(4) 建立DDI CN平台的镜像,或使用任何技术手段重现或复制DDI CN平台;

(5) 删除、修改、遮掩或以其他任何方式替换DDI CN平台可能包含的我们相关的商业名称、商标、服务标记、域名或其合作伙伴其他明显的标志,删除DDI CN平台中包含的任何版权声明、商标声明或其他所有权声明等;

(6) 其他任何违反适用的法律法规或损害DDI的行为。


1、我们将极力保障在现有技术上维护DDI CN平台的正常运行,并努力提升和改进技术,提供安全、稳定、持续的服务,不随意中断或停止提供DDI CN平台产品及服务。









1、除非另有说明,DDI CN平台公开或显示的所有内容(包括但不限于文字、图表、照片、图像、标示、动画、视频、音效、插图、课程及软件等)(以下统称“内容”),均属DDI及其关联方、许可方或供应商所有,且DDI CN平台内的所有组成要素(包括但不限于整体设计、脚本、代码、应用、内容等)均受相关知识产权法律法规的保护。

2、您使用DDI CN平台上传、录入或传输内容即代表了您不可撤销地授予DDI及关联方非排他的、无地域限制的、永久的、免费的许可使用(包括存储、使用、复制、修订、编辑、发布、展示、翻译、分发上述内容或制作派生作品等商业或非商业使用)及可再许可第三方使用的权利,以及可以自身名义对第三方侵权行为取证及提起诉讼的权利。

3、未经我们许可,请不要擅自使用DDI CN平台相关的包括但不限于“DDI”等在内的任何商标、服务标记、商号、域名、网站名称、公司徽标、URL或其他显著品牌特征等。


1、您对自己使用DDI CN平台的一切行为及由此产生的一切结果负责,您应承担因使用DDI CN平台产品及服务而引起的所有风险。DDI CN平台提供的内容,应仅供您参考,不构成任何建议或承诺,我们不承担您因使用DDI CN平台给您或任何第三方产生的任何损害或责任。

2、DDI CN平台提供的产品及服务是按照现有技术和条件所能达到的现状提供的。我们尽最大努力确保服务的连贯性和安全性,但并不能保证其所提供的服务毫无瑕疵,也无法随时预见和防范法律、技术以及其他风险。不论在何种情况下,DDI CN平台均不对由于网络连接故障,电力故障,罢工,劳动争议,暴乱,起义,骚乱,火灾,洪水,风暴,爆炸,不可抗力,战争,政府行为,国际、国内法院的命令,黑客攻击,互联网病毒,网络运营商技术调整,政府临时管制或任何其他不能合理控制的原因而造成的产品及服务不能访问、服务中断、信息及数据的泄露、延误、停滞或错误,不能提供或延迟提供产品及服务而承担责任。


如您对本使用条款有任何疑问,您可以致电DDI CN平台:【400-828-6002】。您也可以通过电子邮箱【customer.china@ddiworld.cn】与我们取得联系。





DDI将根据具体情况的变化,不定期地修改本使用条款。变更后的使用条款将在修订生效前以DDI CN平台的公告、站内消息推送或其他适当方式向您发送通知。若您在本使用条款内容生效后继续使用DDI CN平台的,即表示您已充分阅读并理解修改后的使用条款内容,并同意遵循修改后的使用条款。

Terms of Service

Publication Date:June 5, 2024

Effective Date:June 5, 2024

Thank you for using DDI Products/Service, developed and provided by DDI ASIA/PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL LTD. (CHINA HO) and its affiliated companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "DDI CN" or "We").

Please read these Terms of Service carefully and pay special attention to the terms in bold. These Terms of Service apply to the product service websites operated and managed by DDI (DDI Website: ([https://www.ddiworld.cn/]), Transtalent ([customer.transtalent.cn] and [m.transtalent.cn]), Talent Dynamics ([digital.ddiworld.cn] and [talentportal.ddiworld.cn]), Cool Leader ([lcloud.ddiworld.cn]), and DDI Talent Management Intelligent Service Platform ([cloud.ddiworld.cn]), etc.) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "DDI CN Product Sites" ). When you access, use DDI CN Product Sites or use our products and services through DDI CN Product Sites, you should comply with the provisions of these Terms of Service. If you do not accept these Terms of Service, please immediately stop accessing or using DDI CN Product Sites.

Ⅰ Product and Service Content

1. To assist enterprises in improving the efficiency of leadership talent diagnosis and development, DDI CN Product Sites provides online leadership talent diagnosis and development solutions based on a scientific and professional leadership assessment and development system.

2. To make leadership talent diagnosis and development more closely aligned with the actual business environment, DDI CN Product Sites provides an integrated solution and intelligent tools to provide you with online leadership talent diagnosis and development solutions, tools for situational business conversation practices exercises, and coaching services.

3. The rights and obligations between DDI and corporate customers regarding the purchase and use of DDI CN Product Sites products and services are stipulated by the business cooperation contracts or other contractual product and service agreements that are entered into between DDI and corporate customers. The specific products and services provided to you through DDI CN Product Sites are subject to the content selected and purchased by your employer (hereinafter referred to as "Employer").

4. You understand and acknowledge that your use of DDI CN Product Sites products and services is in accordance with the management requirements of your employer. DDI acts solely as the provider of such products and services, and your use of DDI CN Product Sites products and services is still subject to the supervision and management of your employer.

Ⅱ Account Management

1. When you register your account on DDI CN Product Sites directly or through your employer, you should provide or use real and accurate personal identical information and must not register with false or fraudulent information. Should there be any losses caused by the inaccuracy or inauthenticity of the information you provide, you shall take full responsibility of it.

2. Your account is for your personal use only and is prohibited to give, lend, rent, transfer, sell or otherwise license to others for using the account in any form.

3. You are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of your account information and take full legal responsibility for all activities conducted in the name of your registered account.

4. Your account is under your own custody, and you must safeguard your account information. We do not assume any responsibility for the loss and consequences of password disclosure due to your voluntary disclosure of account information or your exposure to network attacks, fraud, and other acts. You should hold the violator or tortfeasor accountable through judicial, administrative, and other remedies.

Ⅲ Use Standards

1. You fully understand and agree that, unless otherwise stated on the relevant interfaces of DDI CN Product Sites or agreed upon with your employer, you have no right to copy, disseminate, transfer, sell, rent, lend, license, transfer, provide to others for use, or use in any commercial manner the Simulation portal provided by DDI CN Product Sites, or any information or content generated by DDI CN Product Sites's intelligent learning and development learning and development products.

2. You should comply with all applicable laws and regulations. In addition to complying with these Terms of Service, you should also comply with the "DDI Privacy Policy" and other relevant rules and policies that we may publish from time to time on the relevant interfaces of DDI CN Product Sites.

3. When using DDI CN Product Sites products and services, you must not engage in activities that are prohibited by laws and regulations, such as endangering national security and public interests, disrupting economic and social order, and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others:

(1) Opposing to the fundamental principles stipulated by the Constitution.

(2) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity.

(3) Damaging national honor and interests.

(4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and disrupting ethnic unity.

(5) Advocating terrorism, extremism, or inciting terrorist or extremist activities.

(6) Disrupting national religious policies, promoting cults, and feudal superstitions.

(7) Spreading rumors, false information, disrupting social order, and undermine social stability.

(8) Spreading information related to obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism, or instructing criminal activities, or trading and producing contraband and controlled items.

(9) Insulting or defaming others, infringing other’s right of reputation, portrait, privacy, intellectual property and other legitimate rights and interests of others, or impersonating, falsely claiming the name of state organs, social organizations, or other legal entities.

(10) Other content prohibited by laws and regulations.

4. To comply with applicable laws and regulations, when using DDI CN Product Sites and its Simulation portal, you should refrain from the following actions:

(1) Including personal information in your input/entry, or content that infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of any third party (including but not limited to intellectual property rights, portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, and commercial secrets).

(2) Disassembling, decompiling, translating, or attempting to discover the source code or underlying components of the service's models, algorithms, and systems in any other way.

(3) Using any automated or programmatic methods to extract data or output from the Simulation portal, including scraping, collecting, or extracting data.

(4) Establishing a mirror of DDI CN Product Sites, or using any technical means to replicate or reproduce DDI CN Product Sites.

(5) Removing, modifying, covering, or replacing in any other way our commercial names, trademarks, service marks, domain names, or other obvious signs of our partners that may be included in DDI CN Product Sites, or any copyright notices, trademark notices, or other ownership declarations included in DDI CN Product Sites.

(6) Any other actions that violate applicable laws and regulations or harm DDI.

Ⅳ Platform Management

1. We will make every effort to maintain the normal operation of DDI CN Product Sites with the existing technology and strive to upgrade and enhance the technology to provide safe, stable, and continuous service. We will avoid arbitrary interruptions or suspensions of providing products and services through DDI CN Product Sites.

2. You are hereby notified that if we find that you have violated the provisions of these Terms of Service, we reserve the right to give warning, restrict user function suspend or terminate services, block account, delete related content, and other remedial measures based on our reasonable judgment without notify you in advance, or upon reaching agreement with your employer. We will keep relevant records, take appropriate legal actions against your illegal and non-compliant behavior. We will save relevant information according to laws and regulations and report to relevant authorities as required. You shall be solely responsible for any legal liabilities or claims, demands, or losses claimed by third parties arising therefrom or resulting therefrom.

3. For Simulation portal, we will actively take effective measures to fulfill the obligations stipulated by applicable laws and regulations:

(1) The output content adheres to the socialist core values, complies with laws and regulations, respects social morals and ethical standards, and maintains the correct political direction, public opinion guidance, and value orientation.

(2) Respect intellectual property rights, business ethics, and the confidentiality of trade secrets.

(3) Take effective measures to prevent spreading illegal or false and harmful information.

(4) Take measures to prevent discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, region, gender, age, and occupation in the process of algorithm design, training data selection, model response and optimization, and service provision.

(5) Respect the legitimate rights and interests of others, prevent harm to the physical and mental health of others, damage to portrait rights, reputation, and personal privacy, and infringement of intellectual property rights.

Ⅴ Intellectual Property

1. Unless otherwise stated, all content (including but not limited to text, charts, photos, images, logos, animations, videos, sound effects, illustrations, courses, and software, etc.) (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Content") publicly disclosed or displayed on DDI CN Product Sites is owned by DDI and its affiliates, licensors, or suppliers. All components of DDI CN Product Sites (including but not limited to overall design, scripts, code, applications, Content, etc.) are protected by applicable intellectual property laws and regulations.

2. Your use of DDI CN Product Sites to upload, enter, or transmit content represents an irrevocable grant to DDI and its affiliates of a non-exclusive, unrestricted, perpetual, free license to use (including storing, using, copying, revising, editing, publishing, displaying, translating, distributing the aforementioned content or creating derivative works for commercial or non-commercial use) and the right to sub-license third parties to use, as well as the right to collect evidence and initiate legal proceedings against third-party infringement in their own name.

3. Without our permission, please do not use any trademarks, service marks, trade names, domain names, website names, company logos, URLs, or other distinctive brand features related to DDI CN Product Sites, including but not limited to "DDI".

Ⅵ Limitation of Liability

1. You are fully responsible for your actions and the results arising from your use of DDI CN Product Sites, and you should bear all risks associated with the use of DDI CN Product Sites products and services. The Content provided by DDI CN Product Sites is for your reference only and does not constitute any advice or commitment. We do not assume any liability for any damage or liability to you or any third party caused by your use of DDI CN Product Sites.

2. The products and services provided by DDI CN Product Sites are provided based on the current capabilities achievable with existing technology and conditions. We strive to ensure the continuity and security of the service, but we cannot guarantee that the services provided are flawless, nor can we foresee and prevent legal, technical, and other risks at all times. Under no circumstances will DDI CN Product Sites be liable for any inability to access, service interruption, leakage, delay, stagnation, or errors in information and data, or the inability to provide or delay in providing products and services due to network connection failures, power outages, strikes, labor disputes, riots, insurrections, civil unrest, fires, floods, storms, explosions, force majeure events, war, government actions, judgments or orders from international or domestic courts, hacking attacks, internet viruses, technical adjustments by internet service providers, temporary government controls, or any other causes beyond our reasonable control.

Ⅶ Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms of Service, you can call DDI CN Product Sites at [400-828-6002].

You can also contact us via email at [customer.china@ddiworld.cn].

Ⅷ Scope and Applicable Law

1. These Terms of Service apply to the mainland region of the People's Republic of China.

2. The formation, effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and resolution of disputes of these Terms of Service shall be governed by the laws of the mainland region of the People's Republic of China.

Ⅸ Revision and Effectiveness of These Terms of Service

DDI reserves the right to modify these Terms of Service from time to time as circumstances change. The revised Terms of Service will be notified to you through announcements on DDI CN Product Sites, in-site message pushes, or other appropriate means before they take effect. If you continue to use DDI CN Product Sites after the revised Terms of Service take effect, it means that you have fully read and understood the content of the revised Terms of Service and agree to comply with the revised Terms of Service.